Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tokyo Part 1

Flight from LA to Tokyo was great - I highly recommend Singapore Airlines. Top deck of a 747 in a lay-flat seat is fantastic! First time I've been able to really sleep on a plane (9 hours of a 12 hour flight)...unfortunately I arrived in Tokyo at 7pm and got to the hotel at 8pm so trying to fall asleep that night was nearly impossible. After watching 5+ hours of late night Japanese television trying to put myself to sleep, I think I am now fluent in least everything related to Japanese game shows. They love their game shows over here!

First two days in Tokyo have been raining - non-stop. So I haven't taken many pictures but the forecast for the next 4 days is 75-80 and sunny. I'll be sure to take a bunch for my next post.

I had a great lunch at the following cafe...

...I'll let you guess what I had. Tastes like chicken.

It's really interesting to see how new and modern Tokyo is - at least compared to my recent stops in Beijing and Shanghai. Very little historic architecture. Everything is very clean but there's not a lot of open space. Steel and concrete everywhere. I'm staying at the Prince Park Tower Tokyo - located in one of the few parks I've seen. I'm not exactly sure how the "Location" link at the bottom of this post is supposed to work, but you should be able to click on it and it will bring up a map of where I am right of the many cool features of the iPad's GPS capability.

The language barrier is a little more difficult here than what I experienced in Mainland China - not sure why. I seem to be playing charades a lot. Try acting out "grande caramel macchiato and a blueberry muffin." I'll save that video for a later date.

Like I said, I'll take some pictures over the next few days when the sun is out. Right now, I can barely see out my hotel room window because of the rain/clouds. I can, however, see the building across the street - it has ORIX written across the top - those of you in the real estate biz know who they are, maybe I should stop in and say "hi!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:4丁目,Minato Ward,Japan

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad we get to see the world through your eyes and blogs. Keep them coming!!!
